![dream boards](https://www.sunkissedandblessed.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/20170128_162356-300x200.jpg)
Dream Boards are a visual representation of what you want to manifest in your life.
Do you dream of living a life filled with great experiences like exotic vacations, gourmet meals, and meaningful relationships? Perhaps your ambition is to live a life of generosity. Do you wish you had abundance of something that is currently a scarcity in your life?
List makers, you know who you are, creating a dream board is similar to making a list. You already know that when you make a list, you’re more likely to accomplish your goals than had you not made your list. Since you’re experienced at list making, I encourage you to try your hand at dream boarding.
If you’re not a list maker, or if you’ve thought about making a list and have yet to take action, how about cutting out pictures instead?
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Dream Boards
- Dream boards are powerful
- Dream boards are a way to transfer your thoughts into pictures
- They’re a great way to display your goals and values
- Your dream board will help you focus on your goals
- Your dream board will serve as a daily reminder to take action
- Anyone who has goals and dreams
- Call your friends and schedule a dream board party
There are many ways you can create dream boards. One way is to create a dream board online. Simply google “online dream board” and you’ll get many options.
![How to online dream boards](https://www.sunkissedandblessed.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Screenshot_20170203-102948-169x300.png)
- Another way to create your dream board to to make an actual board. You’ll need:
- Look through magazines for pictures, words, and phrases that represent your goals.
- If you don’t know what you want in life, select pictures that speak to you.
- Even if you don’t know why, there is significance in pictures or words which evoke positive feelings or emotions.
- Arrange them on cork board or poster board and glue the pictures and words in place.
- Now! Today is a great time to create your dream board. Are you ready to create yours today? Why wait? Waiting delays your dreams becoming reality.
- Another idea is to give yourself a deadline like the end of this month.
- If you like the idea and prefer to plan ahead schedule "dream board creation" on your December calendar.
- If the holidays are too busy, how about early January?
- Place your dream board in a location where you'll see it daily.
- Consider displaying your dream board in your office, bathroom, kitchen, or living room.
- Make your cell phone wall paper display your dream board.
Keep Your Dream Boards!
- Over time you’ll see how your visions and dreams have materialized.
- You'll recognize how over time you’ve experienced shifts in your values and priorities.
- Your dream boards will inspire others to pursue their dreams.
- Look at your previous dream boards for a subtle reminder of how you've been blessed. You have material items. You also have love, relationships, generosity, and God’s power.
- As you look at your collection of dream boards do you see continuity from year to year? When I see continuity in the images on my boards, I know that I'm onto something important.
Do you see commonalities between your board and that of a friend? My sister and I had 3 things in common on our dream boards this year. We each chose:
- The phrase, "choose your path" a slogan promoting vacations in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (U.P.)
- A picture of an Airstream camper, and
- A picture showing people doing stand up paddle boarding
What was very interesting is that we didn't know we shared these 3 things until our dream boards were complete. Perhaps we'll actualize our shared dreams with a camping trip in the U.P. where we stay in an Airstream camper and enjoy days of stand up paddle boarding.
Dream Board Mentor
My dream board mentor, Wendy Schweifler, has created 11 dream boards. She does one every January. She will tell you that her dream boards represent themes in her life.
Wendy, a horse lover, shared with me that she always wanted a Friesian horse. After she included a picture of a Friesian on a dream board, it wasn't too long before she had the opportunity to ride one. Her dream, to ride a Friesian, had manifested! It was that ride, however, that made her realize she didn't want to actually own a Friesian. She could have been disappointed; instead she chose freedom in that realization. Wendy decided that since owning a Friesian wasn't in her future, she would instead find peace with her American Quarter Horse.
Romance was the theme of one of her recent dream boards. Her man received extra love and appreciation which has resulted in a closer and happier relationship. They are both very happy with the results of that dream board!
You may not get exactly what was on your dream board. Take for example, a picture of Manhattan's famous Rainbow Room which was on Wendy's 2016 dream board. What manifested for her, in 2016, was an important meeting at the Rainbow Grill in Grandville, MI. While she could have been disappointed because she didn't go to the Rainbow Room in Manhattan, she was really pleased about her meeting at the Rainbow Grill.
I'm grateful to Wendy. She introduced me to the idea of dream boards and I'm glad I was open to the idea.
The Law of Attraction
Simply put, the law of attraction is the premise that we bring into our lives that which we focus on the most. I encourage you to read and learn more about this powerful force by which you can improve the quality of your life and that of others.
I'm currently reading Positive Imaging: The Powerful Way to Change Your Life, by Norman Vincent Peale, and I encourage you to read it, too. Another great book, there is a video too, is The Secret. Dream boards, positive imaging, and application of "the secret" are all ways to develop your manifestation power.
Train Your Brain
I’ve trained my brain to focus on goals I want to achieve.
My earliest memory of using the power of imaging was when I was learning to type. Each night as I was lying in bed I would imagine myself typing the letters of the words that were going through my mind. I hit every key with precision and found it an excellent way to become an accurate typist.
A few years later I had the opportunity to take a ski lesson with a highly skilled ski instructor. His talent was his ability to get his student to imagine a perfect run. He made me see, in my mind’s eye, how my body would be moving and the feeling I would experience as I made each perfect run.
He coached me on the chairlift ride up, and I practiced his instructions on the way down. To this day I still visualize when I am skiing and snowboarding.
Train your brain to focus on the opportunity or challenge yourself with solution-oriented, open-ended questions. Here are some of the questions I’ve asked myself.
- “How can I…pay off my house before I turn 40?”
- “What if…I start a blog this year?”
- “Where could I…meet someone who will convert my paper files to electronic files?”
- "Who should I know who...you fill in the blank.”
- “When the opportunity presents itself I will…you fill in the blank.”
When it comes to test-taking, I only allow myself to focus on passing. I envision my passing score in front of me on the computer screen or on the letter congratulating me for passing.
When I face adversity or challenges, I ask myself, "What is my lesson from this?"
My Dream Boards
![dream boards](https://www.sunkissedandblessed.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/20170128_162356-300x200.jpg)
Simplicity is my theme this year. I seek peace and tranquility with elegant and uncomplicated design. I'm drawn to peaceful and soothing tones accented with sunkissed colors which spark the imagination and energize my brain.
When I reflect on my dream board from 2016, I'm thrilled to recognize the many ways in which God has blessed me. 2016 was a year of generosity, in which I was both a giver and receiver. Last year was a year in which I increased my dedication to a healthy and fit lifestyle. As I grow older, I grow wiser, and I am intentional about investing in my relationships with family and friends.
Late this summer I noticed and appreciated a random, lone sunflower on our hillside. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. I even included a picture of one on my 2016 dream board. It wasn't until I reflected on my dream board blessings that I connected the hillside sunflower with my dream board sunflower.
Coincidence? You decide.
![Make your first dream board](https://www.sunkissedandblessed.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/20170101_154100-300x247.jpg)
You’re Doing What? A Dream Board? Really?
You may be emotionally mature (not everyone is). You're likely to get an eye roll, be scoffed at, even made fun of, simply because you dare to advance your dreams through a dream board.
Be prepared to answer questions. As your friends look at you in disbelief, they may also be curious.
When someone says, "Just because you put it on a dream board, you think it's going to happen?" I smile and say, "Let's take a look at my dream boards and I'll show you what's happened for me."
Why did you do that…
"I thought you wanted a Mercedes. Why do you have a Lexus on your dream board?" Touche! I do want a Mercedes. Lesson learned: put what you truly want on your dream board.
Allow me to explain
My first dream board has 2 kitchens. I don’t need two kitchens; those pictures are there to show important design elements. Now...we are planning a remodel of our home so we could end up with two kitchens. Anything is possible!
Explain your dream board not in defense of your dreams, rather in a manner that evokes confidence. They're your reality. Walk your friends and family through your board like this: "this is my pool, this is our relationship 30 years from now, these are my new champagne glasses. You're actually drinking from one right now!"
Do you crave simplicity? How do you define abundance? Are you feeling generous? Is living a life full of great experiences your ambition? Reveal your dreams on your dream board and then share with the world.
By sharing your board and describing what the images represent to you, you'll inspire others to create their first dream board. Your spouse wants to know your dreams. So does your best friend, your mentor, and your accountability partner. Your friends on social media will find joy as you share your dream board and could even be the connection needed to turn your dream into your reality.
Create, then share your dream board today!
![Sunkissed and Blessed](https://www.sunkissedandblessed.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/SNBfavicon-300x300.png)
Melissa Myers
Melissa is Sunkissed and Blessed. She shares her experiences and ideas for living a blessed life full of abundance and gratitude. Share your blessings and pictures of your dream boards in the comments section below. Connect via email at sunkissedandblessed@gmail.com.
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